Candidly links play a major role as regards an elaborate search for which competitive search-links are needed. As stated by Brian Dean of Backlinko; domains that link to a page are interrelated with rankings as compared to other factors in the matter. Links are of great implication.They are the most significant ranking factors as far as Google search is concerned. This has since been accepted by the end of this March when links, content and Rank Brain were declared as the top three most significant ranking factors according to the Senior Quality Senior Strategist at Google, i.e. Andrey Lipattsey. Though this is of not much surprise for the SEOs, yet it is a major revelation. It is a fact that content and links are at the core of the web.

The 2018 Link Building Survey has since been published this Tuesday, i.e. 5th of April, 2016. Team efforts put in by Nicholas Chimonas of Page One Power and Credo’s John Doherty has been fruitful for this joint venture. Maximum numbers of people were approached by Felicia Crawford of Moz, John and Nicholas for this purpose. This group of three persons spent much time for exploring the data and tried to obtain maximum information.

Results and analysis 2016 Link Building Survey
It is for general information that following five results and analysis have since been obtained from the 2016 Link Building Survey:

  • The number of SEOs that bundle link building and integration seems to be on continuous increase.
  • Mostly the smaller teams are involved in link building.
  • Time involved for building the links is greater as compared to the distinctive budget for acquisition of link.
  • Link building involving content like influencer blogger outreach services is preferred and is considered to be the most efficient one.
  • A large numbers of respondents still continue to identify the term link building.

Data pertaining to the 2016 Link Building Survey – The survey was conducted in respect of 435 respondents that included 180 agencies, 41 business owners, 51 freelancers and consultants, 6 in-house PR, 118 in-house SEO and 39 in-house content marketers. It may be noted that different categories of clients are served by these respondents.

Major outcomes – Following are the major outcomes of the 2016 Link Building Survey:

  1. The link building strategy focuses upon an ongoing project, needs a custom campaign and should look at the big picture. Link building is being involved more and more in the online marketing practices.
  2. Link building is accomplished mostly in smaller teams.
  3. The time spent in building links is much higher as compared to the SEO budget allocation. The respondents have reported that they spent more time for acquisition of link in comparison to the allocation of SEO budget.
  4. The content-based link building accomplishment has been considered as the most effective, popular and efficient one.
  5. The term “link building” is still identified by most of the people and respondents too. Though there has been a great shift in the practice during the past four years, yet it has not undergone a complete change. There is no need to rename the same, says the survey.